Hi Newbie,
Keep in mind that all instructions in the VMmark Benchmarking guide need to be followed exactly for a successful result.
Yes, I can give detailed commands.
vi /etc/fstab
Press 'i', then using the cursor, delete the line that contains the comment "Remove after DB setup"
Press Esc
":wq" Press enter.
In the web client, right click on DS2DB VM and click "Edit Settings..."
Hover the mouse cursor over the 20GB hard disk, then click the little X on the right to remove the temporary disk.
Select the checkbox that says "Delete files from datastore".
Click OK.
2. OK.
3. The same error appears in Standby0.wrf and OlioWeb0.wrf. The error is coming from the client. The VMmark benchmarking guide has an entry in the troubleshooting section for this error, see "Error: ‘java’ is not recognized as an internal or external command..." You may have installed the the 32-bit version of STAF on a 64-bit operating system. If that is not the problem, double check your java installation on your client.