ssl verification failure for "ip" due to a host thumbprint mismatch.
Hello.Have big problem with vSphere clientToday i press button Clear SSL certificate in IE on my Windows 7 OSThen i faced with strange issueI'm trying connect to vm console (client connected to...
View ArticleRe: Windows 7 Guest fails after hibernate
Had the same problem only on my real Windows Se7eN OS, but this isn't related, just my motherboard had an issue
View ArticleRe: VM Deployment with customization, parallel
Can you create a new customization spec and make sure that domain join is selected and try from a fresh customization spec? I am pretty stumped at this point.
View ArticleRe: VCP Iaas CBT
I'm not aware of any specifically for the exam, but there are some for vCD which the exam will test you on. The first thing you should do is download the blueprint for the exam, I would strongly...
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.1u1 + 3ware 9650SE on Haswell
Thank you for your reply, I will test this out in the coming weekend... keeping my fingers crossed
View ArticleRe: consolidate disk in vcloud
ok thanks cfor, so just wanted to confirm, I can have vapps that use this same base disk running at the same time as the consolidation.
View ArticleRe: esx 4.1i update 2 with view 4.6
You remember right, but you need to wait for the response long, long, looong...
View ArticleRe: Block Internet access by an ThinApped Application
I just found a workaround should do the trick.When after the postscan, skip building the package, open up your named project folder under the capture folder,a txt file of name "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.txt"...
View ArticleRe: consolidate disk in vcloud
Yes. As long as your storage can handle the read/write load increase all should be good. (Very rare this is an issue)
View ArticleRe: GUI crashed after resuming macbook from sleep
Hey Wil! Thanks for reporting this. Could you rummage through your ~/Library/Logs/VMware\ Fusion/vmware-vmfusion*.log and find the one with this crash in it, and attach that too, please? The...
View ArticleRe: vCenter Single Sign on Installation Fails (Could not contact lookup service)
Thanks for the help, it looks like adding the name to the hosts file fixed this for me.
View ArticleRe: Who deleted this datastore ? - a script ? - a bug ? - misconfigured tool ?
Hi AndreasI think I can rule out "normal" operations. - The same user or task or script deleted all VMs on 3 hosts with 6 datastores before resetting the partitiontables, reformatting the vmfs-volumes...
View ArticleRe: Prevent power off of Guest
Rebooting isn't necessary, it can be coused by power options of HOST OS, so try to change them to "never" too.
View ArticleVm won't boot after moving to another server
Hi all, After our production server went down with a broken mainboard, we setup another server (different hwardware) and installed vSphere 5.1. The existing virtual machines (database) (original...
View ArticleRe: unable to connect to esxi using vsphere client
tried with a fresh workstation, still same error and also tried by regenerating new SSL.I am not sure why the url https://hostname is not working after continuing with SSL error.
View ArticleRe: Credentials for the vCenter MHM Service
your user account need to have LogonAsService permission setyou will have to modify the Group policy or the local policy of the computer. computer configuration -> Policies -> Windows Settings...
View ArticleRe: vSphere host reports less reserved GPU memory than View pool configuration
Would love some more clarification on this. I don't want the video memory assigned to come from host memory, I want it to come from the GPU. We are doing other memory intensive operations with our...
View ArticleRe: Vmware player 4.0
I alweys copy the files to usb and than copy back tham in VM player as it findes the plugged in usb.
View ArticleRe: Converter Hangs at 1%
So I managed to get above 1% and complete the conversion; it took 36 hours. I followed this guide to fix the VSS issues: I also made batch files just incase of future...
View ArticleRe: Vm won't boot after moving to another server
Did you add both virtual disks to the VM? The _2 in the file name machinename.com_2.vmdk typically indicates that this is the second virtual disk on the VM
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