Re: Script to Import VMs from Datastores
Luc, that was it. I was so close with the changes on my own. Only one line was off with my changes... I made the same mistake I did before. For $ESXHost I had this line.$ESXHost = "name of ESX...
View ArticleRe: Error opening Virtual Machine...
Hey, I know that you have uninstalled and reinstalled several times. Try doing it for the last time by following the article : VMware KB: Cleaning up after an incomplete uninstallation on a Windows...
View ArticlevCloud vApp expiration
I noticed that no matter how long I set leases to, it still tells users their vApp will expire/power off in 7 days when they are creating them.Anyone else seen this? When you go look at the real lease...
View ArticleRe: vmware tools
Try unchecking "Check and upgrade Tools during power cycle". VMware tools may be trying to update the VM uninstalling it first. Also insure your disks are persistent.
View ArticleRe: Connect two ESXi Machines via Crossover Cable
did you set a gateway address for the 192.168.2.x network? If you did do not set - there can only be one gateway address for vmkernel ports per ESXi host.
View ArticleRe: Very slow guest file delete
No. We occasionally put limits on VMs, but as of right now we have neither.
View ArticleESXi Hardening - host services/firewall
When it comes to securing inbound/outbound host traffic is there a comprehensive list of native vSphere/vCenter services (in English) that shows which systems require what ports? For instance, I am...
View ArticleRe: Entertaining way to prepare VCP?
Welcome to the Community - you could build a nested vSphere environment on top of one VMware hosted virtualization platforms like VMware PLayer or Workstation - you can Google for videos and guides on...
View ArticleRe: ESXi Hardening - host services/firewall
Check out the hardening guides
View ArticleRe: Connect two ESXi Machines via Crossover Cable
remove the gatway addresses for the 192.168.2.x addresses it is not needed since they site on the same segment -
View ArticleRe: vCloud vApp expiration
Is this the exact message in all emails "This vApp will remain powered on for 7 days and will be deleted 30 days after power-off or suspend. You can edit these leases at anytime in the future by going...
View ArticleRe: Very slow guest file delete
Lots of small files will always be slower. How many VMs do you have on that local storage?
View ArticleSSO login issues - timeout
Hello all I have a QA environment that we are testing the upgrade to 5.1u1 (from 5.0). I am unable to login using either the vSphere client or the web client using domain credentials. If I try and...
View ArticleRe: vCloud vApp expiration
I'm pretty sure it is. We are fixing the text in a future version. The text used was static, but the leasing system should work as expected.
View ArticleRe: VMware ESXi Host High CPU Utilization
im confused at the syntax, when i enter esxtop i get a non-stop screen of information. I am thinking to commit something along the lines of esxtop -c -m -p -e -l, would this be correct? But at what...
View ArticleRe: Very slow guest file delete
Have you tried a Shift+Delete to bypass the recycle bin?
View ArticleRe: Entertaining way to prepare VCP?
Thanks for the awnser, but I was asking about something to run inside my vshpere environment. Anything fun
View ArticleRe: can I recover without the protected site being available
thank you very much, will be setting it up for the first time this week, any good sources to check out for an initial install?
View ArticleRe: Looking for good "Best Practices" and recommended for auditing an...
Note: Discussion successfully moved from VI: VMware ESX™ 3.5 to Security and Compliance
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