Need to Configure "Datastore usage on disk" Alarm as per Best Practice...
View ArticleUbuntu 13.10 / kernel 3.11 support
Is there a timeline for support for what will be the predominant desktop Linux distribution at time of release? The TP should focus on supporting: 12.04 LTS, 13.04, and and even 13.04 are...
View ArticlevCOPS 5.7 login via URL credentials
We are running vCentre Operations Manager 5.7, and want to have a dashboard displayed on a View Client. Is it possible to do the following in the URL string:- Pass login credentials through- Specify...
View ArticleRe: How to add extra memory to root file system in UNIXware7.1.3 VM
rupeshforu wrote: I am requesting is there any way to grow or resize the existing partition without reinstalling the OS This really is not the SCO UnixWare Support Forum! I've already provided you...
View ArticleRe: bug: dhcpd on vmnet1 not saving info
the second, it saves the edits to .bak file , but the dhcp service seems to use the dhcpd.conf.
View Articlesetting up sockets and cores in VM
I am new to this company I now work for. As I review their vSphere5 VM settings I came across this situation: ESXi5 host has 2 sockets , each with 4 cores. A VM has been created with its vProc...
View ArticleRe: Need to Configure "Datastore usage on disk" Alarm as per Best Practice...
Hi, Have you checked you have configured your SMTP server. | Managing and Optimizing VMware vSphere Deployments:...
View ArticleRe: Video Capture
Netmask0, Thanks a lot for your support to always use VMware Personsal Desktop products so long time, including Workstation and Fusion. and thanks a lot for your positive feedback!This feature was a...
View ArticleRe: Unknown: Out of Memory [5880] in syslog
Well, did a reboot this evening to facilitate adding a hard drive to the system and within 15 minutes the network connections died. The server wasn't even busy. I was streaming a movie and that was...
View ArticleRe: Fusion Mountain Lion bridging leads to kernel crash. How to submit bug...
Azhar, >>> bridging of vmnet and tap still not working in this beta, system crashes. That is very critical bug, need it fixed please. From this thread,...
View ArticleRe: When can we expect a proper retina display implementation
Oh and being able to use a second display form vmware to benefit of all the advantages of the new office would be nice as well ;-) Thanks for taking your customers serious and solve these matters!...
View ArticleRe: two hosts in cluster, vms in shared storage, when one host is down, vms...
Understand the concept of clusters and why ownership is important. I am used to XenServer where the active database is actually cached on each host (instead of a server off who knows where, that...
View ArticleRe: VMware Server 2 Home Page https://mylaptop:8333/ui/# cannot Display
I had the same error. Service "VMware Host Agent" was not started in my case. I had to start it. Also I had to use http (with port 8222), as https still does not work.
View ArticleRe: ESXi 5.x on new Apple Mac Mini 6,2 Late 2012 *NOT* working
helux -- Did you use Update Manager to apply the latest updates? There are 6 updates available. 1 from 5/22, and 5 from 7/25. When I use Update Manager, I get the error "The host returns esxupdate...
View Articleloss of connetivity ??
hello friends I 've lost conecitivity to my esx (3.5) service console and my esx server become unmanageble from Vcenter(2.5) there are total four uplink on Esx server, 2 uplinks are assigned to...
View ArticleRe: How to add extra memory to root file system in UNIXware7.1.3 VM
Thanks a lot for your suggestions and patience.
View ArticleRe: VMWare USB Arbitration Service blocking USB Devices on W7 Host
Have you copies/ move the vm os from other computer?
View ArticleHow to create a alarm to trigger a script when a vm is deleted in a Specific...
I'd like to create an alarm that triggers a script which runs whenever a VM is deleted within a specific vCenter server. The trigger script is used to collect the "will be deleted Vm's detail info...
View ArticleRe: Is VMware causing nentwork dropouts?
Bump. Maybe this will help. We isolated the network interface that VMware is using to the en1 interface so as what ever is happening would ot keep bringing the en0 interface down. This seems to have...
View ArticleRe: VCP 5 course credit - how to apply course credit for Install, Configure,...
The school has given me different responses from different people. The school is a VMware IT Academy Partner, Participants Would that make the course VCP creditable?
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