Re: Error on ESX configuration when trying to specify swap file location
I ended up working with vmware support and they had me reboot the host in question. Once it came back up I was able to specify it and then my servers responded appropriately by placing swap files in...
View ArticleRe: vCenter Plugin SDK connection not returning any VMs
Yes, I'm able to browse in vCenter from the inventory tab.I do not see the same messages in the DS log while browsing. Just "Recieved new query request" logs and a few "New Generation: ######" logs.I...
View ArticleRe: VM loses connectivity after vMotion to another host in cluster
Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried to mimic by using my test VM currently on host2 and pg2. I migrated to host1 and it also loses connectivity. Edit settings to pg1 re-establishes connectivity....
View ArticleRe: esxi 5.0 U 2sur un hp bl460c g1
Je vais regarder ca mais je douteen tout cas merci pour ton aide.Je te dirait quand j'aurais trouvé didier
View ArticleNo TCP between hosts, ping works fine
I have ESXi 5 installed on a Dell C524-TY with two NIC's and have configured several Solaris 10 update 10 hosts with physical and VLAN interfaces. There are two Cisco switches between the NIC's with...
View ArticleRe: How to setup a alarm when a storage path become dead?
There are three types of multipathing policies are used in vsphere, those are ( Most recent used - MRU, Round Robin and Fixed ). see the link for details....
View ArticleRe: What is wrong with my infrastructure ?
Hi. The RR was there by default or did you changed it? How did you do it? On CLI so that every new added LUN would be RR or manually on the vCenter??
View ArticleRe: Howto get USB working on linux with VMware Horizon View Client
wafflebananahat wrote: Why isn't it generally available? I don't make the client release decisions or work in that area so can't give you an absolute answer, but I suspect it's not economical from a...
View ArticleRe: error 209 (type 1 code 13)
When performing P2V conversions Converter creates a VSS snapshot on the source server. By default the amount of space used for VSS snapshots is set to a small percent of the disk free space. When you...
View ArticleNeed to start VMware vCloud as Provider
I have a task to built Public vCloud for a company, I have the Hardware and Storage, I need some more details on which Product to use, I need to know is "VMware vCloud Director 1.5" and "VMware vCloud...
View ArticleRe: Transactions with IsolationLevel Snapshot cannot be promoted....
I've heard that this might be a bug in the installer in 5.2. There is some configuration where the repository app.config may be using one connection string to the database while an individual model is...
View ArticleRe: View Desktop Printer is mapped (redirected) but not printing
Hi, Normally , thinprint registry is created at the first connection using view client. From the past i had the same issue with workstation and view client installed on the same machine. If you plan to...
View ArticleESXi 5.0 and MSCS (Microsoft Failover Clustering) on iSCSI SAN
I have spent the past week trying to get my test lab up and running to do a proof of concept for MSCS (Microsoft Failover Clustering) on an iSCSI SAN. However I have hit a brick wall and desperately...
View ArticleJava Web Start error message when trying to run vSphere1.2 compliance checker
It installed fine but a javaws usage message displayed when attempting to run. Seems like this might be some kind of Java environment problem on the Windows 7 Pro desktop. Not very familiar with...
View ArticleRe: USB devices not recognized in Fusion 5.01/Mountain Lion
Thanks. Unfortunately in my case it didn't actually work. But I found the reason is that it is a USB 3 drive that I'm trying to attach to a Windows 7 VM, which won't work. I shared the drive as...
View ArticleRe: VM loses connectivity after vMotion to another host in cluster
Without knowing the physical switch port configuration it's not easy to find out what's wrong, but I'd think it's related to the uplinks for vmnic0 and vmnic4 being connected to two different VLANs!?...
View ArticleRe: vCO Port Issue when connecting to vCenter
Ok this looks fine to me. What verson is your vCenter Server running (5.1 / 5.0)?Have you tried a local admin-user for connecting via vCenter Server plugin?Could you post a screenshot of the...
View ArticleRe: Fault Tolerance Configuration Issue
As long as there's no issue with FT, the secondary will always follow the primary, i.e. rebooting or powering off the primary will not cause a failover to the secondary. André
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