ODX just accelerates your data transfer whereas VAAI does the below: Atomic Test & Set (ATS), which is used during creation and locking of files on the VMFS volume Clone Blocks/Full Copy/XCOPY,...
View ArticleRe: Is it possible to take snapshot while VM machine power if off if vm tool...
yes Snapshots has nothing to do with power state...
View ArticleRe: Help with Host Profiles and PowerCLI needed
I have a dumb question. Where can I get a complete listing of the different ID names in a host profile. In the sample posted how do you know that there is a PolicyOption Id...
View ArticleRe: server-flat.vmdk file
You can present a physical rdm to VM up to 64TB. Page 4 of this doc Raw Device Mapping size (physical compatibility) 64TB
View ArticleRe: track hypervisor unscheduled restart
You can configure syslog server for the host when the host crashes so that we can look into the logs..
View ArticleRe: 5.0 to 5.1 Migration questions
I would recommend the below: - take a backup of the DB. - Migrate the DB to your new physical DB machine and load it there. - Now install vCenter 5.1 pointing to the new DB on physical machine.
View ArticleRe: Migration Host on 2 SANs and 2 vMotion Network
As stated above, check if vmkping works between the concerned hosts and check this kb for static route
View ArticleRe: Vms within vApp not getting IPs from IP Pool assigned to them
check thi link You might be missing something
View ArticleRe: Make a fake RAID 1 for ESXI
VSA is not the solution since that presents your local drives as shared NFS volumes across clusters.. Software RAID is a strict no for ESXi unfortunately.
View ArticleRe: NIC Teaming no vSwitch e na VM Network
Votz, um colega tinha feito uma pergunta aqui neste tópico sobre NIC Teaming na interface dedicada ao Vmotion e até respondi com algumas imagens como exemplo, sumiram ?
View ArticleRe: False key repeats in fusion 5.0.3
Hi, Changhai, I've been using Fusion + WinXP since V 1.0. I always set the WinXP Repeat delay to the shortest possible setting, and the Repeat rate to the fastest possible. This the first time that...
View ArticleRe: VPN from View Desktop
ok I am in VMView client using a desktop... then i connect that desktop to a VPN using the Cisco VPN client and then the connection to the desktop is broken. If I open the vmware infrastructure...
View ArticleRe: I'm seeing cpu freezes at random in most of my VMs ESX4.0.0
tom howarth wrote: what does CPU Ready state in your Windows VM's (Perfmon State)I've tried and tried to find out how to do this but no joy so far. I can run perfmon. Some of the links that explain...
View ArticleRe: I'm seeing cpu freezes at random in most of my VMs ESX4.0.0
Is that in the vsphere performance tab?
View ArticleRe: Can not login to Orchestrator
Its a Server 2012 64 bit machine with 6 GB of RAM. I can not login with the SSO username and password either. Any idea why it would be trying to load a 32 bit IA wrapper dll as opposed to the 64 bit...
View ArticleRe: Queries on migration of ESXi host from old VC to new VC.
- First I would recommend migrating your hosts from dvswitch to vswitch on old vcenters. - Once done, create the same dvswitch on your new vcenters with the latest dvswitch versions. - Remove the...
View ArticleRe: I'm seeing cpu freezes at random in most of my VMs ESX4.0.0
On the vsphere performance tab CPU Ready hovers between 5ms and10ms occasionally going down to about 2ms and up to 14ms.
View ArticleRe: Queries on migration of ESXi host from old VC to new VC.
But if i move the esxi hosts from dvSwitch to vSwitch will there be any downtime for the VMs. I required to do this migration online.
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