Unable to access datastore1 ESXi 5
Hi All, Suddenly I cannot access my ESXi 5 datastore1. Both graphically and from shell. And all VM got hanged.Please Help. Here is the screen shoot. Screen Shoot of Shell:Screen Shoot of vSphere...
View ArticleRe: configuring vmotion in vcloud 5.1
Adding/removing vMotion capabilities will not mess up VCD VM's like enable/disable DRS does. It will just allow VM's to live migrate from one host to the other. Some times I forget to enable it on my...
View ArticleRe: Need dump
Use the practice test via VMware Education as well. It has been a decent help in the past on my tests as well.
View ArticleRe: Queries on migration of ESXi host from old VC to new VC.
I would recommend install your vCenter 5.1 pointing to your existing vcenter database Do ensure you backup your db.. Once the vcenter is installed, you will notice your vcenter 4.1 esxi hosts in...
View ArticleRe: vCloud Director High Availability
You can use any load balancer you want for access to VCD cells. You can also load balance Edge devices for each of your Orgs. You will need some type of HA for your DB's depending on what you are...
View ArticleRe: Cannot connect to Serengeti Server
Hi Another common issue about the plugin can not connect Serengeti server is that the Serengeti management server didn't enable the SSO. The plugin and Serengeti server need use the same SSO service to...
View ArticleRe: Unable to access datastore1 ESXi 5
Is this a local datastore... if not can you perform a rescan of the storage device on esx
View ArticleRe: Multi-Cell NTP Sync
We had the same issue even though we had the same servers set in our ntp.conf file and the hosts they were running on were the same processor and had the same time. We ended up having to create a cron...
View ArticleRe: maintenance mode > reboot > network nolonger works.
After replacing the on board nic with a new card, the network came back.
View ArticleRe: server-flat.vmdk file
The datastore is over 2.75TB but the actual VMDK file is over 2TB. If it's up to 64TB, then there should not be any problem viewing the VMDK file...right?
View ArticleRe: HOL-INF-07 Issue
Hmm. I have seen the same issue myself. As another option, you might want to check out the "other" vCNS lab (HOL-SDC-1303), which contains similar content. -Doug Message was edited by Doug Baer :...
View ArticleRe: Unable to access datastore1 ESXi 5
Hi, Thanks for reply. Yes its local data store. HP server. Can you please tell me how to rescan of the storage device on esxi? Thanks,Mahfuz
View ArticleRe: server-flat.vmdk file
As I mentioned, the vmdk limit is 2TB and physical RDM size limit is 64 TB. vmdk specifically means that you are carving out a file from your SAN. RDM is raw device mapping where you are physically...
View ArticleRe: Unable to access datastore1 ESXi 5
Can you reboot the host and check if it comes back up... Also can you check if there is HDD failure
View ArticleRe: VMware Remote console error
Hi, AakashJ I fixed the problem by removing the point before the word of encoding. I am not sure why there is "." before the encoding line.The original content of preferences.ini file is as follows....
View ArticleRe: Default runtime lease
You cannot do this in VCD via any API/PowerCLI/UI. Not even System Admins can set lease times longer than what the Organization settings are. I've been in touch with VCD UI developers over the past...
View ArticleRe: VAAI - Extended Statistics for NAS
Check thi link http://deinoscloud.wordpress.com/2010/06/12/esxtop-displays-statistics-for-nfs-datastores-video/
View ArticleRe: New to Netapp - 3200
FCOE is a good option else go with iSCSI with jumbo frames enabled
View ArticleRe: ESXi 4.1 -> 5 / VMFS 3 -> 5 migration and live Storage vMotion
present you vmfs3 datastores to new esxi 5.1. Once done, migrate your vms to new esxi 5.1 Now storage vMotion your vms from vmfs3 to vmfs5
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